Saturday, May 9, 2009

Running Shoes

After a crazy couple of weeks, I was finally able to get back out and do some running this week. A crazy schedule is not the only reason my running has slowed down. For the past several weeks, I have been feeling a lot of pain when running. The reasons - I need new shoes. The shoes are one of the most important running tools. I thought I would pass along some of the info I have recently learned. Here are some great videos that I found (several of them will start playing at once, it is much easier to understand if you pause them all and watch them one at a time):

First of is a review of the shoes I currently run in:

Interesting that only a few people can train in them everyday...I do and haven't had a problem with them. The only problem I have had with them is that the back of the shoe dug into my leg. Over time, the shoe does stretch out, but not before soaking several pairs of socks in blood. I learned that this problem can be fixed by wearing the correct socks (but we'll save that conversation for another day.

It is very important that you understand your own feet. They are the connection between your body and the road so it is critical that you wear the appropriate footwear. The first thing you need to understand is what kind of arch you have. Here is a great test to let you know:

Here are some more videos that explain the different types of pronation:




Once you understand your pronation, you are ready to pick a running shoe. Click HERE for a great Running Shoe Finder from Runner's World.

And finally...Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there. Thank you for all you do. Here is a cool video I found about a 13-year old who ran a 50-mile ultra-marathon with her mom. Maybe one day Brynn and I will do the same.

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